
Quickly and Easily Report Issues

There is a great free App for iOS and Android and a website, all from FixMyStreet. You can use this to report issues to both Cotswold District Council and Glouceshire County Council.

This covers anything “street” related that you can report to the council, including damage, potholes, fly tipping etc, see the full list on the right.

I’ve installed the App on my iPhone and it’s really easy to report an issue. Just click report, pick the category, take a photo(s) and submit. It even captures where you are if you are reporting live, or you can pick on the map if reporting later.

The nice thing about FixMyStreet is you don’t need to know which council to report the issue to and they have a nice mobile app. You can see other’s people’s submissions too and even get notifications of new reports.

Once you have submitted FixMyStreet emails the report to the appropriate council for action. The one downside is the council status doesn’t get reported back to FixMyStreet

Click the FixMyStreet logo on the right to access their website. You can find their App in either the Apple or Google App Stores.

You can of course submit issues to the councils directly, click the logos on the right to visit the council’s reporting pages.

Note: There are non-“FixMyStreet” related reporting services on the Cotswold District Council site too.