Conservative Party’s Ineptitude in Renewable Energy Planning

Delaying £ Billions and Harming the Environment


The United Kingdom is at a critical juncture in the fight against climate change. The need for a rapid transition to renewable energy is urgent, and commercial investments in renewables could make a substantial difference. However, the Conservative Party’s poor management of renewable energy planning has led to billions of pounds in commercial investments being delayed, prolonging the UK’s reliance on fossil fuel electricity generation. This not only pushes up energy bills for households and businesses but also slows down the reduction of our carbon footprint.

A First-Hand Account: Thames Head Energy

As one of the founders of Thames Head Energy, a not-for-profit community energy organisation, I have personally experienced the impact of the Conservative Party’s poor planning. One of our goals is to build a community solar farm to reduce energy costs and CO2 emissions while generating revenue for the community. However, our feasibility report revealed that the entire renewable industry in the UK is suffering due to the Conservative Party’s ineptitude.

Grid Buildouts: A Known Necessity

It has been clear for years that national and local grid buildouts would be required to accommodate renewable energy sources, such as solar farms, wind farms, and grid-scale battery storage. However, the Conservative Party has failed to act on this knowledge. Locally, we may have to wait until 2028 for a national grid upgrade, and this is the case all over the country. Some projects are even delayed until 2036 for capacity.

The False Economy of Grid Buildout Neglect

The lack of investment in grid buildout has proven to be a false economy, as it is now costing the UK more due to continued dependence on expensive and high CO2-emitting fossil fuels. The longer we are stuck with these energy sources, the greater the financial and environmental cost. Could this be another example of “Truss-economics,”?

Headlines vs. Reality

While headlines focus on how the Conservative Party continues to block wind farms and cosy up to fossil fuel companies, the reality is much worse. Their failure to plan for capacity has stalled billions of pounds of commercial investment in renewables that could have significantly reduced energy bills and CO2 emissions. This lack of foresight and action is reminiscent of Liz Truss-like ineptitude, further damaging the UK’s green energy prospects.

The Price of Poor Planning

The consequences of the Conservative Party’s poor planning for renewable energy are evident in skyrocketing energy bills for homes and businesses. The delay in transitioning to renewable sources also hinders the UK’s ability to combat climate change and meet its carbon reduction targets.

But it’s not too late, more investment and better management by Ofcom could have a big impact if only the government would act – or get replaced by someone more competent. 


It is high time the Conservative Party takes responsibility for their poor management of renewable energy planning. The UK’s future depends on swift action to correct these mistakes and encourage investment in the renewable sector. The next time you look at your massive energy bill, remember who is to blame for the poor planning that has exacerbated the situation: the Conservative Party’s ineptitude in managing renewable energy planning and the false economy of their neglect of grid buildouts.

Mike McKeown