Cost of Living Crisis

Help and Advice

Dear Resident,

I shouldn’t have to send a letter like this.

Unfortunately, the cost of living crisis is deepening.

Despite the Government’s recent announcements, many of us are experiencing heating and energy bills that are 200% more expensive than last winter.

When you consider that the price of everything is rising due to inflation and the cost of fuel remains high, many of us are worried about how we’ll make ends meet.

I sent out a residents’ survey recently – I was dismayed but not surprised that so many people reported that they were affected by the rising cost of living or would be affected soon.

Many of us will be taking steps to try and reduce bills, car usage, and the cost of the food shop.

Our brilliant local charities such as the food bank are working hard to support people.

The plan from Rishi Sunak and his  Conservative Government falls well short and we are left to see what we can do locally to help. The local Lib Dem team and I are here for you.

I have included a “Cost of Living – Money Help Sheet” with this post. I hope you won’t need to use the advice enclosed, but it is there should you need it.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if I can help.

Best wishes,

Mike McKeown

P.S. Please contact me at or phone / WhatsApp at 07785 326 573 if you need signposting for any help or support not covered in the help sheet. I will do what I can to help.