Why vote for Mike McKeown?

For Cotswold District Council

Kemble Ward – Covering the villages of Kemble, Kemble Wick, Ewen, Somerford Keynes, Shorncote, Poole Keynes, Rodmarton, Tarlton, and Coates

If, like me, you tend to vote in local elections more on the person that the party then below are some reasons why I hope you might decide to vote for me. 
If political party is also important to you I’ve also listed some reasons you might consider voting for me.

My Track Record

I have a track record for getting things done and working with local governent at parish and district level.
1. Member of Somerford Keynes Parish council for ~10 years and contributed to the Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP).
2. Successfully campaigned to get super-fast broadband to the parish.
3. I was recruited to run for councilor after I presented my campaign at a CDC cabinet meeting to rollout EV charging across the Cotswolds with a fair off-peak price that would help local EV owners who don’t have off-street charging to keep their running costs low and more fairly aligned with those fortunate enough to be able to plug in at home.


My Experience

I have long-standing and current experience in business, particularly in the technology and renewable energy sectors, which are so critical and relevant to our changing world.
1. I’ve worked in the tech industry since 1990 leading teams of professionals across the globe. Most of my career was in Cisco, but I’ve also worked with innovative start-ups and today I work at Verimatrix, a cyber-, and video-security company.
2. I’ve set up my own small businesses in management consultancy and online retail and I volunteer as a mentor to “Stepping Up”, an award-winning program for excellence in diversity and mentoring.
3. I’ve started, with the help of a group of local “champions”, a Community Energy social enterprise initiative that will help the community reduce our energy costs and carbon footprint: https://thamesheadenergy.org


My Local Connections

I’ve lived and rasied my family in the district for over 20 years. 
1. I’ve lived in Somerford Keynes since 1999 with my wife and three boys, the youngest of whom was literally born here (unexpectedly at home!)
2. I’ve lived in this area of the country since 1986 when I worked at GCHQ, my first job after graduating….which I can neither confirm nor deny 🙂
3. Founding member of a homeowner’s association, which I chaired for 3 years and have been a committee member of for nearly 20 years.


My Character

My hobbies and interests demonstrate my strenght of character. I’m someone who cares, gets involved, leads, and is fun.
1. Photography is my main hobby and I run a local photography club.
2. I love tech and gadgets; my poor wife must put up with our “connected home”. I’m proud that I’ve used tech including Internet CCTV cameras, an emergency call gadget, and an iPad to help my 95-year-old mother to live independently and safely at home.
3. I was known as “Minister of fun” for five years when I led the social events for our homeowner’s association, organising an annual summer festival for 200+ people and many smaller activities throughout the year – I bought an ice rink for the community one year!


My Representation

Cotswold District Council has been led by the Liberal Demonrates with a strong majority since 2019 and is likely to remain so beyond May 2023. As a LibDem councillor I beleive I will give you the strongest possible voice on the district council.
1. Close relationship and support from Joe Harris, leader of the council.
2. Good engagement with the district council cabinet.
3. Member of the Cotwolds LibDems group.


Vote for Mike McKeown

No matter your party allegiance

Whether you normally vote LibDem, Conservative, Labour or Green here are some additional reasons why I hope you’d consider voting for me.
Click on + button under the party you typically align with to see some reasons to vote for Mike McKeown, tailored to you.

Liberal Democrat

If you typically vote Liberal Demoncrat:
Why vote for Mike McKeown?

As a member of the Liberal Demoncrat party, I believe I am closely aligned with LibDem policy and philosophy.

I was asked by Joe Harris, the leader of the Cotswold District Council, to stand and represent the LibDems in our community.

This will be a close race between the incumbent Conservative and the leader of the Conservatives in the Cotswolds. I would really value your support in winning this critical ward. Turnout is typically low in local elections, I’d really appreciate your vote!


If you typically vote Conservative:

Why vote for Mike McKeown?

Politically I’m middle of the road. I really believe our politics should be inclusive, not divisive.

I’m pro-business and believe in low taxes, as long as they are balanced with fairness and a responsible monetary policy. A policy that doesn’t saddle us, our children and grandchildren with unsustainable debt or re-introduce austerity and damage our key public services, including healthcare, policing and education.

Maybe you are disappointed with the more extreme direction of the Conservative Party in recent times, so electing me would help send your message.

We may support different parties at a national level, but I believe you would find we are aligned in many areas.


If you typically vote Labour:
Why vote for Mike McKeown?

Politically I’m middle of the road. I believe there is good potential for the Labour and Liberal Democrat parties to work together.

I believe we need to invest in our vital public services. Build a society that is fair and just and that balances the needs of supporting businesses to grow the economy while supporting the most vulnerable.

This will be a close race between the incumbent Conservative and the leader of the Conservatives in the Cotswolds. I would really value your support in winning this critical ward. Labour typically get less than 100 (<10%) of the vote in this ward, so they have no realistic chance of winning, but your vote could make the difference in beating the Conservative incumbent.

We may support different parties at a national level, but I believe you would find we are aligned in many areas.


If you typically vote Green:

Why vote for Mike McKeown?

Politically I’m middle of the road. I believe there is close alignment between the LibDems and Greens in many areas. 

I am a strong believer in the importance of protecting our environment and moving faster to address climate change. I’m acting on that belief by setting up a local community energy initiative, Thames Head Energy, that will help us all reduce our CO2 footprint and cut our energy costs

This will be a close race between the incumbent Conservative and the leader of the Conservatives in the Cotswolds. I would really value your support in winning this critical ward.

We may support different parties at a national level, but I believe you would find we are aligned in many areas, particularly on the environment.

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