Mike McKeown

Councillor For Cotswold District Council

Kemble Ward – Covering the villages of Kemble, Kemble Wick, Ewen, Somerford Keynes, Shorncote, Poole Keynes, Rodmarton, Tarlton, and Coates

Election Thank you

Dear Friends and Neighbours,
Thank you for electing me as your district councillor, and a special thanks to those who helped during the campaign. I’m grateful for your trust and ready to tackle the hard work ahead!
We should be proud that the Kemble Ward had the highest voter turnout in the Cotswolds, both in percentage and total votes for a single councillor ward (most are). Your participation made a difference! And apologies for the leaflet overload and door knocking 😊
Thank you once again.
Best regards,


Andy Mortimer
Somerford Keynes

I have known Mike since purchasing a property here 11 years ago, and have worked together serving on the homeowners association. He is passionate about local issues and always seems to find time to help.

I have no doubts whatsoever in recommending Mike. He will make a great councillor for the Cotswolds District Council and deserves your vote.

Pam Alexander

Mike really cares about community issues. Including protecting Kemble Community garden from development and constructing strategies to cope with the rising cost of energy.

Jon Turner (KC)
Somerford Keynes

Mike is a tremendous person – deeply committed, deeply moral, and deeply interested in helping the local community. His environmental values are excellent. He will be a phenomenal asset as a councillor and I give him my full support in this election.

Nicky Baber

I wholeheartedly endorse Mike for District Council. His unwavering commitment to preserving Kemble’s Community Gardens and championing community energy solutions proves his genuine passion for our vibrant community.

Hilary Collins, Somerford Keynes

Mike is a true leader and committed to creating a greener future for us all. His dedication and passion make him the perfect candidate for positive change.

Stuart Lammin
Somerford Keynes

Mike has worked tirelessly to research, plan and implement the Thames Head Energy project which will lead to considerable cost savings on our energy bills.  Without his efforts, this wouldn’t have seen the light of day!  Thanks Mike

Patsy Louer
Somerford Keynes

Mike was a Parish Councillor for many years and is a dedicated and passionate member of the community. Mike also prides himself on getting the job done and making a difference to his community. I would have no hesitation in endorsing Mike for the role of District Councillor and wish him all the best in his campaign.

Graham Valentine (Parish Councillor)
Somerford Keynes

Mike is always happy to help, on projects such as the Village Website and now the Net Zero community energy initiative Mike has the determination and drive to see things through

Vision & Values

Our area of the Cotswolds is a special place to live, work, and visit.
That’s why I’m thrilled to be standing as your local Councillor for Cotswold District Council in the local elections next May, backed by the Lib Dems.
For those who do not know me, I’ve lived in Somerford Keynes for over 20 years. My wife and I moved here to raise our children and hope to spend the rest of our years here.
I started my career at GCHQ and since then I’ve had a rewarding and successful career in the IT and technology sector which has taken me all over the world.
I was a Parish Councillor for several years, and I’ve always tried to get stuck into community events and causes.
I founded a community energy initiative to reduce our energy costs and carbon footprint and raise money for the community (www.thamesheadenergy.org) this started in Somerford Keynes and recently expanded to Kemble and Ewen and I’m keen to expand it to the rest of the area.
I was delighted to have worked with the Kemble Community Garden team to run a successful campaign that gained over 160 signatures resulting in overturning the Conservatives’ plans to build on the beautiful community gardens. The gardens will soon be transferred to the community for safe keeping and I will help the team fund raise to restore the garden to their form glory.
I’ve been inspired to stand for the District Council as I believe I can help further enhance our area.
I’ve been impressed with the local Lib Dems and their attempts to tackle some of our area’s issues. I want to be part of a team with a track record of delivering for local people while leading the Cotswold District Council.
I’m keen to speak to understand your priorities, please complete my community survey.
If you’d like to talk further with me, please don’t hesitate to get in touch by WhatsApp 07785 362573 or email at: mike@mikemckeown.info 
Kind regards,
Mike McKeown
PS: If you spot any typos please forgive me and let me know – I’m a little dyslexic.

District focus


My priorities are;
1. Cut our energy costs and carbon footprint by taking the Thames Head Energy Community Energy social enterprise to the rest of the ward and beyond.

2. Support transport improvement for the ward. Including parking enforcement,  the Kemble-Cirencester Community Railway Project, EV charging, and road maintenance. I also want to explore how to bring more long-term sustainable innovation to the ward. We are already home to ZeroAvia, an innovator in NetZero aviation. AI-based autonomous driving could be a revolution in rural transport.

3. Focus on planning and the environment to preserve everything we love about our locality, and community while protecting the environment and managing change in a sustainable way.

My Track Record

1. Member of Somerford Keynes Parish council for ~10 years and contributed to the Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP).
2. Successfully campaigned to get super-fast broadband to the parish.
3. I was recruited to run for councilor after I presented my campaign at a CDC cabinet meeting to rollout EV charging across the Cotswolds with a fair off-peak price that would help local EV owners who don’t have off-street charging to keep their running costs low and more fairly aligned with those fortunate enough to be able to plug in at home.


My Experience

1. I’ve worked in the tech industry since 1990 leading teams of professionals across the globe. Most of my career was in Cisco, but I’ve also worked with innovative start-ups and today I work at Verimatrix, a cyber-, and video-security company.
2. I’ve set up my own small businesses in management consultancy and online retail and I volunteer as a mentor to “Stepping Up”, an award-winning program for excellence in diversity and mentoring.
3. I’ve started, with the help of a group of local “champions”, a Community Energy social enterprise initiative that will help the community reduce our energy costs and carbon footprint: https://thamesheadenergy.org


My Local Connections

1. I’ve lived in Somerford Keynes since 1999 with my wife and three boys, the youngest of whom was literally born here (unexpectedly at home!)
2. I’ve lived in this area of the country since 1986 when I worked at GCHQ, my first job after graduating….which I can neither confirm nor deny 🙂
3. Founding member of a homeowner’s association, which I chaired for 3 years and have been a committee member of for nearly 20 years.


Hobbies and Interests

1. Photography is my main hobby and I run a local photography club.
2. I love tech and gadgets; my poor wife must put up with our “connected home”. I’m proud that I’ve used tech including Internet CCTV cameras, an emergency call gadget, and an iPad to help my 95-year-old mother to live independently and safely at home.
3. I was known as “Minister of fun” for five years when I led the social events for our homeowner’s association, organising an annual summer festival for 200+ people and many smaller activities throughout the year – I bought an ice rink for the community one year!


What makes our area

Special to me

1. Beautiful countryside, with wonderful walks and bike routes, yet well connected and central for getting around the UK and abroad.
2. The stunning lakes near my home and across the water park with so many diverse uses, ranging from SSSI bird reserves to fishing and sailing.
3. Great community – welcoming of newcomers and full of vibrant community activities including nature and photography clubs, fundraising, event organising, wine tastings, and more

Complete my survey

If you live in the ward I’d love to hear your views on what is important to you. Please complete my survey:

Help my campaign

I would really appreciate any help you are willing to give to my campaign, which could include:

General help and advice
Delivering leaflets in your local area
Displaying a poster at election time
Please contact me if you could help.


If you’d be willing to donate to help with my campaign I’d be super grateful!
Please click:

Village Spring Clean:

Community Energy:

Family (left to right; Max, Miles, Annie, Jake, and Mike):

Don’t Forget to Vote!

Have your voice heard!

Elections in our area are always close between the Lib Dems and Conservatives. Labour and The Greens can’t win here!

Please come out and vote, or better still do a postal vote ahead of time.








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